What do I do if I feel that my child's school isn't addressing his/her special needs options?
If you feel like your child needs extra help that their school teacher can't provide, you may want to look outside of the school. Number one, there's lots of professionals you can go to online. Google your child’s disorder and figure out what is in the area around you, what support systems are there that are outside the school system.
The schools, by law, are supposed to support you. So go back and talk to the counselor, talk to the principal and talk about what other support systems that are out there and what they can help you with, and what support they can provide inside the school.
Assess what is out in the community that you can get your child involved with. Sometimes it's best for it to be away from the school, but also talk to the school about what they can provide in relation to what you are doing outside the school.