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You Can’t Put Them in Time-out. You Can’t Take Away Their Car Keys.
So, how can you effectively discipline your tween?
Once children reach the age of 10 or so, they begin to change. Not so much physically (that’ll come later) but rather in their attitudes and interests, which start edging closer to those of an adult — with their own preteen spin. This usually requires parents to rethink and retool their approach to how they address and discipline their children’s behaviors.
Get your first lesson today by telling us where we can send it.
The parenting experts at Boys Town have developed this email series to help you better understand your tween and provide valuable advice on how to use skill-teaching, role-play practices, and positive and negative consequences to effectively discipline your tween. We’ll also offer tips for setting appropriate boundaries and clear expectations, so everyone is on the same page when it comes to behavior issues.
Each week, you’ll receive information and advice about tween issues and discipline, as well as a teaching activity and a social skill that you and your child can work on together to strengthen your relationship.
Here are some of the lessons we’ll cover:
- Dealing with Defiance
- Peer Pressure
- Setting Expectations and Boundaries
- Positive Consequences
Get your first lesson today by telling us where we can send it.