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​​​​​Give Your Kids a Lesson in the Art of Gratitude!

ArtOfGratitude.pngTeaching our kids to be thankful and content is not easy, especially in a culture that is constantly inundating them with messages of self-centeredness and materialism.

Fortunately, Boys Town has some practical ideas to help you instill a mentality of thankfulness in your kids, and we’ve compiled them in a brief but informative ebook called How to Teach Gratitude.

How to Teach Gratitude touches on the topics of:

  • Avoiding the emphasis on possessions
  • Engaging in activities and service
  • Spending more face-to-face time together
  • Preteaching to set expectations of gratitude

It also includes some great ideas and tips for making memories and helping others. This ebook is completely free for you to read and pass along to others.

Just let us know where to send your digital copy​
