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Studies show that children whose parents are actively engaged in their education tend to do better in school than those whose parents are less involved. To that end, the education experts at Boys Town have developed a “contract” to help set expectations for your children’s efforts with homework and studying, as well as your participation in their education. Download the contract, discuss it with your children and sign it so that everyone involved knows where they stand for the upcoming school year.
Each day, I will empty my backpack when I get home and lay out my homework and anything that needs to go back to school. Then I will hang up my backpack.
Remind children of “Grandma’s Rule”: If you finish your homework, then you can play video games.”Children are more likely to do homework if they schedule study time for right after school, before they can watch TV, play on the computer or go to a friend’s house.
Study time will be Sunday through Thursday, from ________ to ________ .
Schedule study time to fit your family's routines. Doing homework right after school works best for some, but if your child is involved in after-school activities, or both parents work outside the home and want to be there to help, then an early-evening study time might work better. For elementary-school children, study time might last 30 to 45 minutes; for junior high students, 45 to 75 minutes; and for high school students, 60 to 90 minutes.
Set a positive example for your children. Read a book, work on the computer or make a grocery list while they are doing homework. Leave the TV and radio off.
I will ask for help when I need it, either from a parent, teacher or peer.
It is crucial for you to be "plugged-in" to your child's school life. Studies show that parental involvement in school is closely tied to children's success in school. Even as a busy parent, you can do some simple things such as asking your children about their school day or visiting your child's school, even if it's just for a quick lunch with them. Volunteer to help with field trips or in the classroom. Join the PTA or another school-sponsored organization. Make a point to talk with the school principal and your child's teacher so you feel comfortable reaching out should your child need help.
I will set a personal academic goal, improve a grade, try a new class or work ahead of schedule on a big project.
Involve the whole family! Have each family member set a personal goal so you can work toward something together. Organize a room, try a new activity, make a new friend or come up with your own ideas.