Should I approach the parent of a child whom I believe is a bully?
Whether or not you should approach parents whose kids are engaging in a bullying behavior, is a tough question. Because, to tell you the truth, you might make it worse. Your absolute best strategy is to do everything you can to give your child the tools to deal with it; move on, find other friends, whatever the case may be. If you are going to approach other parents, I would make sure that you are very, very calm. That you keep it to what the behavior is. Don't make a judgment about somebody else's child. In other words, "on Tuesday, my daughter reported that your daughter called her a name during recess" is different than saying, "your daughter's being a jerk to my kid." You really want to be specific. Also, if you're going to do that, you should prepare yourself to hear that your kid may have been engaging in some behaviors back. I say this from some experience. So, the calmer you can be, saying, "This is what happened. How can we work this out, so that the kids can get along better," that's a possibility for you.