How can I get more involved with my children's school? What level of involvement is appropriate?
Figuring out what level of involvement really depends on what relationship you already have with the school and I think the earlier you start the better. You don't want to wait until there is a problem and then you show up at the school. So meet the teachers but as kids get older meeting ever teacher that they have isn't probably feasible and it might be a little bit overboard. When you go to meet your ninth grader's teachers, it may be a little awkward at the beginning of the school year. You can find a point person in the high school that you can meet with or find a point person in the middle school such as a counselor or the vice principal. Somebody you can touch base with and find out if there are concerns, how you will be notified if there are concerns or just how your child is doing. Just be available.
I think it's okay to meet with that point person whether it's the homeroom teacher or the school counselor and find out what is the best way to communicate. Is it email or is it phone calls? How are they going to let you know what's going on and things like that so that you just don't wait until there's a problem.