Study Skills For Your Teen
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Many teens who have problems with schoolwork simply have never developed effective study skills. Studies show that when parents take the time to teach study skills to their kids, it "turns on the light bulb" for students in classes they thought they had no hope of passing.
If your teen is struggling in one or more courses, there's a good chance he or she is simply overwhelmed. Effective study skills can help students better handle their workload and give them confidence as they take on homework, tests and other assignments. With your help and encouragement, your teen can learn how to use the following skills from
Boys Town to build positive study habits and improve his or her grades.
Getting started
- Write down homework and study assignments for each subject every day.
- Bring home the books or materials you'll need to complete your assignments.
- Organize the necessary books and materials.
- Set a time to begin and stick to it!
- Work in a place that is quiet and free from distractions (no phones, radio or TV).
- List all tasks you are required to do.
- Prioritize tasks based on their importance and due dates.
Following through
- Complete tasks in the order they have been prioritized.
- Make notes of important facts.
- Repeat important points to yourself several times.
- Break larger tasks into smaller, more manageable steps.
- Remain on task until an assignment is completed.
Being prepared for and participating in class
- Assemble all books, papers, homework assignments and writing implements.
- Be on time for class.
- Present homework and assignments when the teacher asks for them.
- Ask questions when you don't understand what the teacher is saying.
- Take part in class discussions.
- Begin studying for tests and quizzes as soon as you find out about them.
Remember that the responsibility for completing schoolwork is your teen's, not yours. At the same time, however, you can help your teen by encouraging good study habits and providing reminders when he or she gets off track.
For more helpful skills for your teen,
Teaching Social Skills to Youth is available from the Boys Town Press.