How to Promote Internet Safety in the Home
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Dangers of the internet may make you wish you could discard your child’s electronic devices and cancel all their online accounts. But parents can impose safety measures to protect their children from internet abuse.
- Block access to inappropriate sites and filter web content
- Obtain passwords or “friend” your child so you can more easily monitor social media pages he or she may be visiting
- Setting limits on the amount of time your child spends on social media/online activities
- Use consequences, both positive and negative, when they are warranted
Internet Safety
Kids are always connected. You don’t just need to monitor the home computer. Now, you must worry about smart phones, watches, tablets, etc. The internet is accessible at any time and almost anywhere.
And the number of apps available seem to change every week. Facebook was only the beginning. Tik Tok and other social media platforms now can be found on almost every device. As a parent, you need to know how to monitor all of these and keep your kids safe.
Understanding the Basics
Access to the internet is everywhere. Hotspots can be accessed almost anywhere on any device. Media devices play a major role in how your child gathers information and communicates with others. It is common for parents to feel overwhelmed as they take on the difficult task of keeping up with constantly changing technology.
Protecting Your Child Online
As a parent, it is essential to explore the internet with your child to help them understand its function. Establishing expectations and limits early on can help you better monitor your child’s activity online. It may be impossible to totally monitor your child’s internet activity, but you can establish online rules that can help keep them out of dangerous situations.
Using Consequences
Children need consequences to learn. If your child in complying with your rules and making good decisions online, it may be time to reward that behavior by increasing their independence (e.g., letting your child try a new social media site, moving from knowing their passwords to “friending” or “following,” increasing screen time or allowing access to electronic devices). If your child is not following previously set media guidelines (time limits, visiting only websites you’ve approved, etc.) or if social media is becoming your child’s only social outlet or way to make friends, you may need to start giving negative consequences in order to change their behaviors. Remember, you’ll want these consequences to be short-term, so the child has additional opportunities to learn by getting back online with your guidance and monitoring.